Welcome to what will be a wonderful and exciting 2017 for our school. I trust that all of our families have had a very happy summer break and found the time to spend with loved ones. We are very excited to have many new families starting with us this year. Students seem to be ready for a year full of exciting learning opportunities. There was a lovely feel across all the classrooms – from Foundation right through to the Grade 6 – very settled and calm, with lots of enthusiastic energy.

Classroom Fruit Program (Brain Food)

As adults we acknowledge the importance of eating fresh fruit and vegetables on a daily basis and also the significant role they undertake in growing bodies – particularly when learning is occurring at the same time. As a result, at 10 o’clock every morning the children will stop and have a piece of fruit in order to replenish their vitamins and minerals and we would appreciate it if families could support this by ensuring their child brings a piece of fruit or cut-up vegetables such as carrot sticks, celery to school every day. If you have any questions about Brain Food please see your child’s teacher.

SunSmart Term

Just a reminder, that Term 1 is a SunSmart term. Students are expected to wear their school hat outside at all times. If your child requires a new hat they may buy it at the School Office or Uniform Shop for $10. Please make sure all other uniform items are clearly labelled as well.

Family Contact Details

Over time, some families alter their contact details such as address, mobile numbers, work numbers or emergency contact details. Naturally when this occurs, it is extremely important that the school is made aware of the changes. If your family contact details have changed, please send a brief note or call the school office.

I look forward to meeting our new families and to continue building the partnership with all of our current families at Sirius College.

Mrs. Tarbinder Pandher
Primary Coordinator